United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
We are committed in our operations to promoting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The goals are also known as the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They aim at eliminating poverty and achieving sustainable development, where the environment, economy and people are taken into account equally.
Among the SDGs, goals 8, 12 and 13 are particularly relevant to Airam’s activities.
» Learn more about the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
UN Global Compact
Airam joined the Global Compact initiative in December 2020. By signing the compact, we committed to implementing its ten principles in our operations and to communicating annually about our sustainability-related work through the Global Compact’s Communication on Progress (CoP) report.
The Global Compact is a corporate responsibility initiative under the UN whose aim is to promote the ecological, social and financial responsibility of companies and communities. The initiative is based on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the ten principles of the Global Compact on human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.
» Learn more about the Global Compact.
Amfori BSCI
Airam has been a member of amfori since 2021. As members, we are committed to acting in accordance with amfori’s Code of Conduct. These principles include the prohibition of forced and child labour, promotion of safe working conditions and fair pay for work. We require our business partners to commit to the same principles.
Amfori BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) is an international initiative to promote social responsibility throughout supply chains. All factories in high-risk countries where our products are manufactured are regularly audited by a third party under the amfori BSCI or an equivalent social responsibility scheme.
» Learn more about amfori BSCI.
Science-based targets
Airam joined the Science Based Targets initiative of the Global Compact, CDP, WWF and the World Resources Institute in early 2023. Companies that join the initiative commit to setting science-based targets for their operations in order to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in line with the 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement on climate change.
» Learn more about Airam’s climate work and the Science Based Targets initiative.
CDP reporting
From 2021, Airam has been reporting its climate data as a supplier in the CDP report. CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) is a non-profit organisation that helps companies and town and city administrations calculate and report their environmental impacts publicly.
Association for Finnish Work
Airam is a member of the Association for Finnish Work. Some luminaries that are manufactured in Lahti bear the Key Flag Symbol to indicate that the product is made in Finland.
» Learn more about the Key Flag Symbol on the website of the Association for Finnish Work.
Our SaunaLed is a Design from Finland sauna luminary with a shade made in Finland using Finnish alder. The Design from Finland label indicates that a product or service has been designed in Finland and that there have been investments made into its professional design.
» Learn more about the Design from Finland label on the website of the Association for Finnish Work.
ISO certified management system
Our management system complies with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards for quality, environmental and occupational health and safety management. Our management system is audited every year both internally and by an external auditor. Our management system was ISO-certified in 2024.
More information about ISO standards for management system on ISO's website.
We achieved the bronze level in our first EcoVadis assessment conducted in the spring of 2024. This level is achieved by 35% of the assessed companies. EcoVadis is one of the most internationally recognized companies for corporate social responsibility assessments. The EcoVadis rating includes an evaluation of the company's sustainability based on 21 criteria in four areas of responsible management: environmental responsibility, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. The EcoVadis assessment is based on a questionnaire filled out by the company, as well as comprehensive documentation that the company must provide as evidence of its responses.
More information about Eco Vadis.