We are a member of the United Nations Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and amfori BSCI. We also require our suppliers to commit to the amfori Code of Conduct, which is based on the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, environmental principles and labour rights. Each year, we report externally on our sustainability work through the UN Global Compact’s Communication on Progress report, and on our climate-related work and emissions through the CDP report.
» Commitments and certificates
Our products and processes comply with all relevant legislation, such as REACH, RoHS and EMC. We require our suppliers to refrain from using conflict minerals, i.e., minerals and metals mined in politically unstable areas where there is a risk of forced labour being used to extract them. Our quality, environmental and health and safety management systems comply with the ISO14001, ISO9001 and ISO45001 standards.
We calculate Airam’s carbon footprint every year. Our emissions target is based on scientific research and is in line with the Science-based Target initiative. We have also calculated the carbon footprint of certain product categories. We train our personnel in sustainability-related matters, such as environmental legislation and the environmental aspects of packaging materials.
» Environmental responsibility
We actively seek and experiment with new sustainable solutions. A good example of this is Airam and Stora Enso’s collaboration on the packaging material for the Pink Ribbon bicycle lamp campaign product in 2023.
Managing sustainability
Airam is a Finnish, family-owned small to medium-sized company. We have defined our management model, decision-making process and division of responsibilities on a general level in our governance code.
Airam’s Board of Directors confirms the strategy and values that are the basis for our sustainability work. The board reviews the progress of this work and the targets related to it once a year.
Airam’s management group makes the decisions on our key sustainability commitments. It also evaluates and approves the principles, objectives and actions of our sustainability work. The management group regularly monitors progress towards the objectives.
On a practical level, Airam’s sustainability work is coordinated and taken forward by the sustainability and quality manager. This person’s responsibilities include following development in regulation, supporting the business in areas related to sustainability work, planning and working towards sustainability objectives, and the related reporting.
The business units and group support functions incorporate the commitments and targets into their own planning.