The quality certification applies to the entire group and the environmental responsibility and occupational health and safety certifications cover our factory in Lahti, as well as our logistics center and headquarters in Kerava.
"The certification granted by an external auditor recognizes our long-term commitment to quality, the environment, and occupational safety. The principle of continuous improvement fits well with Airam's thinking: sustainability work is continuously ongoing and improving. The ISO certification has been a collective effort, involving the entire Airam team," says Siina Hara, Airam's Sustainability and Quality Manager.
At Airam, sustainability is seen as a journey. Work towards quality, the environment, and occupational safety has been ongoing for years, and the journey towards ISO certification officially began in 2022. Airam employees throughout the group have been involved in the project, and the management team has been closely involved from the start. During the project, production and operational processes have been examined, roles clarified, environmental impacts identified, and goals set to improve the quality, environmental, and occupational safety standards.
During the certification audits, we received positive feedback on various aspects, including the identification of environmental impacts, goal setting and implementation plans aligned with our overall strategy, our safety culture, and innovative marketing and sales tools and practices.
Airam has been awarded the following ISO certifications
ISO 9001 defines the principles of a quality management system for businesses. A company complying with the ISO 9001 standards invests in customer satisfaction, efficient processes, continuous improvement, and applies risk-based operation management. One of the objectives of the management system is to ensure our ability to offer products that meet legal and customer requirements.
ISO 14001 is the most well-known international environmental management system standard. A company complying with the standard identifies the positive and negative environmental impacts of its operations and products and manages them accordingly.
ISO 45001 is an international standard for occupational health and safety. A company complying with the standard identifies and manages occupational health and safety risks related to its operations and ensures that employees can participate in occupational health and safety work concerning them.
In the picture from the left Erik Frejinger (CEO, Airam AB), Siina Hara (Responsibility and Quality Manager), and Jan Norss (Occupational Safety and Logistics Manager).